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Project Portfolio



Awards: Hong Kong Science Park initial and secondary funding

A mobile application for matching people for fitness activities.

I joined a group of 4 ambitious students, where two of us were computer science students, and the other two were business students. I was in charge of the backend development, where I made use of providers along with Firebase.


ERP program


An ERP program for small businesses

During my internship, I was charged with the task of developing a full stack web development project for their clients. In this project, I developed a sales management system (for artifacts such as invoices, estimates, etc.), as well as a purchase management system (for bills, purchase orders, etc.). I also developed an inventory management system along with a staff management system. The goal was to make all these systems integrated so that it can provide a better accounting solution.


Tennis Website

Society project

A website that allows university members to register to the tennis society, as well as register to weekly practice sessions

As the tennis society President, I believed that the tasks of registering members and managing the weekly sessions were too redundant and time-consuming. I decided to develop a website that would allow members to register to the society, and register to the sessions on a weekly basis. This website would also allow the committee to manage members (Mark the members present for each session, record the members who paid the membership fee).


Cloud leveraging application for automated crawling

Course project

A web application that leverages the power of cloud computing and allows the user to crawl the web and generate datasets. The user can choose the crawling platform and the data to be crawled. The application makes use of Spark programming and dataframes techniques in order to automatically scale the server resources and ensure efficiency.


Machine learning Hawaiian bird recognition

Course project

A machine learning project that recognizes endangered Hawaiian birds from images.

The project makes use of a convolutional neural network and is trained on a self-collected dataset of Hawaiian birds. The project is able to recognize 5 different species of birds with an accuracy of 97%.

Deeplab Pre-trained modelCrawlingData augmentationFine-tuning

Search Engine application

Course project

A search engine application that allows the user to search for documents in a database

Project of the Search Engine course. The project makes use of the inverted index technique and the vector space model. The project was needed to be implemented from scratch and make use of well-known methods, such as the cosine similarity, the tf-idf score, and the BM25 score.


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